The Mean Mom

Just ask my 7 year old, he'll tell you. Don't believe him? Ask my 14 year old, if she still leaves you in doubt, my 17 year old can confirm it too.

July 29, 2008

I can hear her warming up...

The fat lady that will be singing her song...

It will soon be over. I have really honestly resigned. Wow.

I quit my job.

And, in the infinite wisdom that is this company? They aren't going to hire a replacement.

Not sure what they are thinking there...

It has been a great 13 years... and I will miss most of the people here, and I will miss the customers that I have dealt with for all that time... they were the best part.

Oh well... I quit my job.

4 babbled along:

  • At 4:49 PM, July 29, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You know, that's all right! If you're going to a new job, I hope you enjoy it, if not, I hope you enjoy that too.

    I've been 'de-cluttering' my freelance work and enjoying my life more because of it (even though there's less money now).

  • At 5:09 PM, July 29, 2008, Blogger Karen said…

    Yes, there is a new job. That was the only condition that Hubby put on me doing this... well that and money.

  • At 5:09 PM, July 29, 2008, Blogger Karen said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 8:53 AM, August 02, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck as you close one door and open another!


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