The Mean Mom

Just ask my 7 year old, he'll tell you. Don't believe him? Ask my 14 year old, if she still leaves you in doubt, my 17 year old can confirm it too.

December 22, 2006

'Tis the Season to Deck the Halls

Cause it's lovely weather to walk in a winter wonderland.

A friend of mine was saying that she doesn't understand some people. They claim they don't believe in Jesus, but yet they celebrate Christmas. Kinda illogical thinking there, don't ya think?

I believe in God. I believe in his Son. I celebrate Christmas. That's what I'll be doing this weekend. Celebrating the birth of Christ. What a joyous time.

I will be wishing Christmas wishes for all who need it... I love you all.

Merry Christmas and Joy to the World!

2 babbled along:

  • At 1:30 AM, December 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are sooo right! Merry Christmas!!

  • At 3:14 PM, December 26, 2006, Blogger Lara said…

    Sorry, but I understand it. Christmas is a Christian celebration, yes. But non-Christians have been celebrating it as a time of family and Santa and all that secular-type stuff for a long time. I say if people want to celebrate and enjoy each other, let 'em, no matter their underlying meaning is.
    I hope your Christmas was merry!


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