Crappy Valentine's Day!...
Somedays I really wish I was still single. Ok, maybe not, but somedays I don't like being married...
As I was getting ready to leave to head home, for a nice quiet evening with the hubby and the kids when one of the programmers came back in and told me that my tire was almost flat. Now, this is not a big deal. I could change it if I needed to, and heaven knows I've changed a ton of them. I get out and look at it, and decide that a trip to the Jiffy Lube for air, should be good to get me home. That's what I did. Went to mom's got the 2 younger kids since Kay doesn't like to go there after school, she walks home the almost 3 miles now. I had called hubby and he's going to meet me at the tire place so I'm not stranded. He's so sweet... for now... While we are there, Kay has been instructed on what needs to be done for dinner.
We arrived home, in time for dinner to be finished, and we have a few extra minutes so we give the kids their cards, and candy. I give him his card, again telling him that I owe him a gift... he says I'm all he really needs... I get a card, it makes me cry of course, and a very pretty heart shaped locket.
During dinner, Kay asks if since she made dinner does she still have to do dishes. I told her that I didn't think so... sounds reasonable to me. And that's the reason that hubby says he doesn't do the dishes... cause he makes dinner. So after dinner, I ask him who he thinks should do the dishes... He says he doesn't care, but he's not doing them. He takes his turn so he's not doing them. Well, I take my turn way more than he does, and since she cooked and he didn't, I thought he should do them. I started to walk away. I didn't think he was going to do them, but I had said I wanted, and was done. Well he wasn't. He said that he wasn't going to do them, and that he didn't care when they got done and by whom, cause it wasn't going to be him. I said, "Oh, then who's turn will it be tomorrow when there is 2 night's worth?" He told me that I needed to stop "B*tching and complaining". I told him that I wasn't, he was the only one that was, and walked away.
I was fuming, and still thinking that he should be the one to do the dishes, but I started the sink, and filled it with the dishes. I had gotten about 1/2 of them done, when I picked up the glass hubby uses everyday for his milk. I had just stuck the sponge in, and it cracked and I sliced my pinkie finger on the glass. I was livid. I shouldn't have been there in the first place, now I'd broken a stupid glass and was bleeding all over the place. GRRRR....
I stormed to the bathroom for a bandaid and soon realized that I couldn't get it on, cause my hands were wet and soapy. I stomped into the bedroom, and threw them at him. He helped me get it dried off and put the bandaid on. He went out to finish the dishes, and saw what glass it was that broke, and said "I think you did that on purpose cause it was my favorite glass." I was ready to slit his throat with the broken shard.
Men... I always wonder where they take their training... Dork boot camp? Sheesh...
My finger will be fine... The skin is all intact, so it should heal pretty quick... and I guess a guy that can buy me a card that makes me cry, and jewelry for Valentine's probably isn't all that bad...
As I was getting ready to leave to head home, for a nice quiet evening with the hubby and the kids when one of the programmers came back in and told me that my tire was almost flat. Now, this is not a big deal. I could change it if I needed to, and heaven knows I've changed a ton of them. I get out and look at it, and decide that a trip to the Jiffy Lube for air, should be good to get me home. That's what I did. Went to mom's got the 2 younger kids since Kay doesn't like to go there after school, she walks home the almost 3 miles now. I had called hubby and he's going to meet me at the tire place so I'm not stranded. He's so sweet... for now... While we are there, Kay has been instructed on what needs to be done for dinner.
We arrived home, in time for dinner to be finished, and we have a few extra minutes so we give the kids their cards, and candy. I give him his card, again telling him that I owe him a gift... he says I'm all he really needs... I get a card, it makes me cry of course, and a very pretty heart shaped locket.
During dinner, Kay asks if since she made dinner does she still have to do dishes. I told her that I didn't think so... sounds reasonable to me. And that's the reason that hubby says he doesn't do the dishes... cause he makes dinner. So after dinner, I ask him who he thinks should do the dishes... He says he doesn't care, but he's not doing them. He takes his turn so he's not doing them. Well, I take my turn way more than he does, and since she cooked and he didn't, I thought he should do them. I started to walk away. I didn't think he was going to do them, but I had said I wanted, and was done. Well he wasn't. He said that he wasn't going to do them, and that he didn't care when they got done and by whom, cause it wasn't going to be him. I said, "Oh, then who's turn will it be tomorrow when there is 2 night's worth?" He told me that I needed to stop "B*tching and complaining". I told him that I wasn't, he was the only one that was, and walked away.
I was fuming, and still thinking that he should be the one to do the dishes, but I started the sink, and filled it with the dishes. I had gotten about 1/2 of them done, when I picked up the glass hubby uses everyday for his milk. I had just stuck the sponge in, and it cracked and I sliced my pinkie finger on the glass. I was livid. I shouldn't have been there in the first place, now I'd broken a stupid glass and was bleeding all over the place. GRRRR....
I stormed to the bathroom for a bandaid and soon realized that I couldn't get it on, cause my hands were wet and soapy. I stomped into the bedroom, and threw them at him. He helped me get it dried off and put the bandaid on. He went out to finish the dishes, and saw what glass it was that broke, and said "I think you did that on purpose cause it was my favorite glass." I was ready to slit his throat with the broken shard.
Men... I always wonder where they take their training... Dork boot camp? Sheesh...
My finger will be fine... The skin is all intact, so it should heal pretty quick... and I guess a guy that can buy me a card that makes me cry, and jewelry for Valentine's probably isn't all that bad...
2 babbled along:
At 8:04 PM, February 15, 2006,
Queen Bee said…
Yeah, right, you broke his favourite glass on purpose. Sheesh. Kudos to dh on the mushy card and locket though.
At 9:52 AM, February 16, 2006,
The Cluck Wagon said…
You know, I sense a trend going around. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and she was mad at her hubby because he didn't even get her a card - she got flowers, but said she really wanted a card. lol.
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